"I've really enjoyed using The KITS collaborator, it's a great tool. With its quick render features, KITS enables me to render a floor plan right in front of my client during our meeting. Being able to render a project in front of the customer not only made me look efficient, but it also helped the customer make choices on customization much easier.
We are so excited to announce that Allseating’s catalogs are now available for you to explore in The KITS collaborator. To start creating new projects with their line of ergonomic seating solutions, click here to sync and access their digital catalogs!
Topics: Manufacturer Spotlight
We had a phenomenal time at the EDspaces 2019 conference hosted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin! It was so lovely to have seen some familiar faces as well as have the chance to meet some new ones.
Meet Laurel and learn about her experiences of using KITS to build rapport with her clients, getting her to the sale quicker.
Topics: Success Story
Furniture in Education: The Unlikely Hero of the Modern Day Classroom
When most people look back at their experiences in school, they may think of a subject that sparked a passion in them or perhaps a teacher that inspired their career path. Very rarely, if ever, the furniture that adorned the classroom is mentioned. And as much of a successful education is defined by the content and person teaching the class, how a space is set up can make a drastic difference.
Topics: Success Story
"I have used Giza since its inception, in fact my instructor, when Paoli first adopted it, was the man that developed the software. As most of the companies I represent joined the The KITS collaborator library, I decided to give the software a try. Background, very few of my rural dealers have designers, so they depend on me to help them with their layouts and quotations. KITS is the greatest!
Topics: Success Story
We are thrilled to share and welcome Chief Manufacturing to The KITS collaborator! To begin exploring their line of mount and rack products, click here to request access and start syncing their catalogs today!
Topics: Manufacturer Spotlight
We are pleased to share that SitOnIt Seating’s catalogs are now available for you to explore on The KITS collaborator. To begin creating new projects with ergonomics in mind, all KITS users can click here to request access to start syncing their digital catalogs today!
Topics: Manufacturer Spotlight
Why Your Dealership Needs to Invest in Mobile Sales for Teams
With the industry shifting into a digital space, many dealerships are investing in cutting-edge technology that focuses on supporting the success of their employees. Board rooms are equipped with smart screens for seamless virtual meetings, workstations are now fitted with the latest hardware devices, and sales reps have mobile tools to help them connect with clients and close sales faster.
Topics: office furniture sales, The KITS collaborator, Mobile Sales Tool, Mobile Sales for Teams