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Success Story: Sandi S.

Posted by Rachel Chan on Jun 19, 2020 10:16:34 AM

"With The KITS collaborator we were able to engage our client and quickly close a deal on a Principal’s office! By presenting our solution on KITS, we were able to show the customer several angles and explain the storage pieces with supporting visuals. It can be challenging to help clients imagine what solutions are possible in their space, but with KITS our client was able to understand what her office would look like and how it would function. We were able to build confidence in the client which led to faster decision making, and the project was installed in about 4 weeks! KITS makes it so easy and fast…no more “waiting in line” for your renderings! I’m a raving fan!"

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Topics: Success Story

Success Story: Bert L.

Posted by Rachel Chan on Jun 12, 2020 9:45:00 AM

"In the beginning I had to cut & paste pictures of the products, do line drawings of the office space with the furniture line drawn and have the client imagine all of this is their space. Then I got the Kits Collaborator! Now I can show clients exactly what their space will look like without having to imagine it. What a game changer, I can make changes to the layouts instantly while talking with them. Change finishes or sizes or complete product changes. And what a time saver by having the current list prices as I build the office. What a great program!"

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Topics: Success Story

Success Story: Brandon S

Posted by Rachel Chan on Dec 11, 2019 3:28:07 PM

"I've really enjoyed using The KITS collaborator, it's a great tool. With its quick render features, KITS enables me to render a floor plan right in front of my client during our meeting. Being able to render a project in front of the customer not only made me look efficient, but it also helped the customer make choices on customization much easier

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Topics: Success Story

Success Story: Laurel S.

Posted by Rachel Chan on Nov 13, 2019 3:55:05 PM

Meet Laurel and learn about her experiences of using KITS to build rapport with her clients, getting her to the sale quicker.

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Topics: Success Story

Success Story: Jerry P.

Posted by Rachel Chan on Oct 11, 2019 11:09:27 AM

Hear from Jerry and how he used The KITS collaborator to close deals on the spot with his clients. 


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Topics: Success Story

Success Story: John C.

Posted by Rachel Chan on Sep 27, 2019 3:01:04 PM

"I have used Giza since its inception, in fact my instructor, when Paoli first adopted it, was the man that developed the software. As most of the companies I represent joined the The KITS collaborator library, I decided to give the software a try. Background, very few of my rural dealers have designers, so they depend on me to help them with their layouts and quotations. KITS is the greatest!

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Topics: Success Story