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Manufacturer Spotlight: Fern Kids

Posted by Michael Astle on May 23, 2024 10:56:15 AM

We’re excited to announce that the Fern Kids catalog is now available on The KITS collaborator! Explore their digital catalog filled with educational furniture for a young audience. 

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Topics: The KITS collaborator, Manufacturer Spotlight, Fern Kids

Manufacturer Spotlight: Corp Design

Posted by Michael Astle on May 21, 2024 1:41:48 PM

We’re excited to announce that Corp Design is now available on The KITS collaborator! Explore their digital catalog filled with office furniture solutions. 

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Topics: The KITS collaborator, Manufacturer Spotlight, Corp Design

Enhancing Employee Wellness through Biophilic Office Design

Posted by Michael Astle on May 8, 2024 2:36:25 PM

New design considerations are trending among office designers (and our clients!)  all the time. Over the last few years, we have heard about hybrid work design, hoteling, and ancillary trends, among others. In 2024 one of the new top trends is the concept of biophilic design. This trend builds on the already existing design elements of natural materials and sustainability but dives into a more natural way of incorporating it into professional spaces such as offices, healthcare spaces and educational spaces.  

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Topics: Design, The KITS collaborator, office design, Biophilic Design

Manufacturer Spotlight: Moduform

Posted by Michael Astle on Apr 4, 2024 11:08:06 AM

We’re excited to announce that Moduform is now available on The KITS collaborator! Explore their digital catalog filled with healthcare and educational furniture. 

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Topics: The KITS collaborator, Manufacturer Spotlight, Moduform

Coworking Amenity Space examples with The KITS collaborator

Posted by Michael Astle on Feb 8, 2024 1:00:00 PM

As the professional landscape evolves, the demand for enticing office environments is rising, be it in a traditional office setup or a dynamic coworking space. Embracing the contemporary trend of designing workplaces that mimic the comfort of home, the focus has shifted towards creating amenity spaces that enhance the overall work experience.

In today's competitive work environment, employees seek amenities that go beyond the comforts of home. In this blog post, we delve into the key amenity spaces that employees are actively searching for in their workplaces. Our comprehensive research sheds light on the top needs of modern-day professionals, offering valuable insights into the amenities that are becoming indispensable in the quest for an ideal workspace. All of which you can use when designing spaces with The KITS Collaborator.

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Topics: The KITS collaborator, office design, Amenity Spaces

How The KITS collaborator Can Help With Digital Marketing for Furniture Business

Posted by Michael Astle on Dec 15, 2023 2:56:21 PM

When you are working in sales, you want to make sure you market yourself as far and wide as possible. You want to appear capable and memorable in prospective clients’ minds. In today’s digital world, it’s extremely important to have a strategy in place for digital marketing for furniture business. With a well-established digital marketing strategy, you can expand your reach much further. However, you will need the right materials to get your strategy into place and The KITS Collaborator can help.

Boost the return on your investment into The KITS collaborator by using it as more than just a mobile sales tool. There are several ways you can use The KITS collaborator to create marketing materials for digital marketing for furniture businesses. We’ll give you some examples and with those you should be able to expand your reach effectively.

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Topics: The KITS collaborator

Our Top Support Resources for The KITS collaborator

Posted by Michael Astle on Mar 22, 2023 1:00:00 PM

The KITS collaborator is a great tool for contract furniture sales that puts a lot of power into the hands of sales teams and their design partners. It has many tools and features that outpace traditional sales methods. This includes features that can help you visually present, re-specify and sell your products, including high-quality renders and augmented and virtual reality. A lot is packaged into The KITS collaborator to give you the power to show and sell. 

To make sure new users, and those who may need a refresh on some of the more intricate features of The KITS collaborator, are comfortable using The KITS collaborator, we have many different help sources that you can visit. To make things easier, we’ve compiled the top support resources for The KITS collaborator in this article to act as a jumping-off point for those looking for support or just a refresher on how some features work within The KITS collaborator. 

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Topics: The KITS collaborator

Contract Furniture: Education Design Trends 2023

Posted by Michael Astle on Jan 25, 2023 12:00:00 PM

Education manufacturers rely on showcasing their products in The KITS Collaborator so their teams can show stunning, inspired layouts to prospects every day. We love seeing the way that contract furniture can impact future learning for k-12 students and help shape the way they learn. We’ve rounded up some key 2023 education design trends that salespeople can use to help present their solutions and ensure they are giving the best options to their clients.

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Topics: The KITS collaborator

Furniture Sales Software: The power of The KITS collaborator

Posted by Michael Astle on Sep 7, 2022 1:00:00 PM

The contract and commercial furniture industry, like many others, has been disrupted by changes in the workforce, changes in client expectations for ready-to-ship products, and technologies for visualizing space live Virtual and Augmented reality. Juggling the expectations against time pressures to meet with clients and adjust design, update pricing, and manage delivery requirements all chip away at a salesperson’s time. To accomplish it all, dealers and contract furniture professionals increasingly need to rely on furniture sales software tools that let them do more in less time and fewer meetings.

Industry-built contract furniture sales software solutions such as The KITS collaborator make things a little easier. They help address pain points with traditional sales and planning methods and offer remote capabilities and new visualization methods that show the most realistic preview of the final product. Keep reading for a breakdown of the issues of traditional sales methods and the tools that could come with mobile furniture sales software like The KITS collaborator.

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Topics: The KITS collaborator

5 Expert Tips for The KITS Collaborator

Posted by Michael Astle on May 13, 2022 11:30:00 AM

There are plenty of powerful sellers using The KITS collaborator to reach their sales goals. It’s amazing to hear all the ways they use KITS and how it helps facilitate business and delight their clients. 

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Topics: The KITS collaborator